
Scientific Data Analysis Team - May 2017

"Modern Methods in Insurance Pricing and Industrial Statistics" conference will be Held in 3-5 September, 2017, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran. The purpose of the conference is to bring together young and senior academics and people working in insurance and other areas of industrial applications of statistics, and to strengthen the links between the respective communities in Iran and abroad. 

For more information please visit Persian local website address: 

Or English Arhus University website address: 

 Emai: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Important Dates

  • Deadline for abstract submission: June 22, 2017
  • Notification of acceptance of abstracts: July 6, 2017
  • Deadline for early registration and payment: July 22, 2017

Invited speakers

  • Hansjörg Albrecher, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Søren Asmussen, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • Alireza Edalati, Actuary at VHV Insurance AG, Germany
  • Amin Hassanzadeh, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
  • David Rios Insua, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
  • Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
  • Jens Perch Nielsen, CASS Business School, United Kingdom
  • Amir Safari, Insurance Research Center, Iran
  • Ali Shojaie, University of Washington

Short Courses

  • "Introduction to Machine Learning with Industrial Applications" by Ali Shojaie. Date: 2nd September, 2017.
  • "Insurance Ratemarking with GLM using SAS" by Alireza Edalati, Actuary at VHV Insurance AG, Germany. Date: 2nd September, 2017
  • "Risk Management with Big Data and Applications in Industry" by David Rios Insua, Spain. Date: 4th September, 2017

For the short courses there will be a fee, which is kept as low as possible just to cover the expenses.

Published in SDAT News
Thursday, 04 May 2017 16:18

KDD bigdas 2017

The first workshop on Big data analytics-as-a-Service: Architecture, Algorithms, and Applications in Health Informatics is taking place on August 14, 2017 (in conjunction with KDD 2017) in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The workshop will consist of a combination of invited keynote speakers, panel discussion, and paper/poster presentations. We allocate significant time for open discussions on sharing best practices and future directions. 

Workshop homepage: 

Call for Papers

This is a new and emerging area for the KDD community and we hope this workshop will bring together researchers and interested audiences to explore the open problems, applications, and future directions in Big data analytics-as- a-Service: Architecture, Algorithms, and Applications in Health Informatics. We invite submission of papers explaining innovative research studies on all aspects of big data analytics and its application in health informatics. Work-in-progress papers, demos, experimental studies, open-source developments, and visionary papers are also welcome. Suggested topics include (but are not limited to) the following with the focus of health informatics application area:

    • Big data machine learning algorithms
        Big data semi-supervised learning, active learning, inductive inference, organizational learning, evolutional learning, transfer learning, manifold learning, probabilistic and relational learning
        Big data deep learning
        Big data decision support systems
        Big data scientific visualization
        Big temporal data mining
        Big data time series and sequential pattern mining
        Big data clinical/biomedical text analytics
        Automatic semantic annotation of medical content
        Large-scale classification, clustering, and interpretation of biomedical images and videos
        Genetic data analytics, mining big gene databases and biological databases
    • Gold Standards
        Feature engineering considerations and selection
        Algorithm considerations and selection
        Analysis selection criteria
    • Systems Architecture
        Infrastructures for big data analytics
        Scalable and high throughput systems for large-scale data analytics
        Performance evaluation or comparative study of big data analytics tools, such as DataMelt, RapidMiner, Orange, Rattle, Apache Spark MLlib, Apache Mahout, etc.
        Performance evaluation or comparative study of Machine Learning as a Service platforms, such as BigML, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Machine Learning, Google Cloud Prediction API, IBM Watson Analytics, etc.
        Integration PaaS (iPaaS) supporting Big Data applications and services
        Application of cloud computing to big data analytics
    • Big data analytics-as-a-Service
        Big data machine learning-as-a-Service
        Turning big data health informatics into WWW services
        Big data deep learning-as-a-Service
        Big data infrastructure-as-a-Service

Important Dates:

Paper submissions: May 21, 2017 (11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time)
Supplemental material submissions (Optional): May 27, 2017 (11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time)
Paper notifications: June 21, 2017
Final submissions: July, 10, 2017
Workshop date: August 14, 2017 (Morning 8:00 am to 12:00)


Published in General News


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  • A synergetic R-Shiny portal for modeling and tracking of COVID-19 data
    A synergetic R-Shiny portal for modeling and tracking of COVID-19 data

    Dr. Mahdi Salehi, an associate member of SDAT and assistant professor of statistics at the University of Neyshabur, introduced a useful online interactive dashboard that visualize and follows confirmed cases of COVID-19 in real-time. The dashboard was publicly made available on 6 April 2020 to illustrate the counts of confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries of COVID-19 at the level of country or continent. This dashboard is intended as a user-friendly dashboard for researchers as well as the general public to track the COVID-19 pandemic, and is generated from trusted data sources and built-in open-source R software (Shiny in particular); ensuring a high sense of transparency and reproducibility.

    Access the shiny dashboard:

    Written on Friday, 08 January 2021 07:03 in SDAT News Read 4370 times Read more...
  • First Event on Play with Real Data
    First Event on Play with Real Data

    Scientific Data Analysis Team (SDAT) intends to organize the first event on the value of data to provide data holders and data analyzers with an opportunity to extract maximum value from their data. This event is organized by International Statistical Institute (ISI) and SDAT hosted at the Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran. 

    Organizers and the data providers will provide more information about the goals of the initial ideas, team arrangement, competition processes, and the benefits of attending this event on a webinar hosted at the ISI Gotowebianr system. Everyone invites to participate in this webinar for free, but it is needed to register at the webinar system by 30 December 2020. 

    Event Time: 31 December 2020 - 13:30-16:30 Central European Time (CET)

    Register for the webinar: 

    More details about this event: 

    Aims and outputs:

    • Playing with real data by explorative and predictive data analysis techniques 
    • A platform between a limited number of data providers and hundreds to thousands of data scientist Teams
    • Improving creativity and scientific reasoning of data scientist and statisticians 
    • Finding the possible “bugs” with the current data analysis methods and new developments
    • Learn different views about a dataset.


    The best-report awards consist of a cash prize:
    $400 for first place,
    $200 for second place, and
    $100 for third place.

    Important Dates: 

    Event Webinar: 31 December 2020 - 13:30-16:30 Central European Time (CET). 
    Team Arrangement: 01 Jan. 2021 - 07 Jan. 2021
    Competition: 10 Jan. 2021 - 15 Jan. 2021
    First Assessment Result: 25 Jan. 2021
    Selected Teams Webinar: 30 Jan. 2021
    Award Ceremony: 31 Jan. 2021

    Please share this event with your colleagues, students, and data analyzers. 

    Written on Wednesday, 23 December 2020 13:45 in SDAT News Read 4589 times Read more...
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    Development of Neuroimaging Symposium and Advanced fMRI Data Analysis

    The Developement of Structural and Functional Neuroimaging Symposium hold at the School of Sciences, Shiraz University in April 17 2019.  The Advanced fMRI Data Analysis Workshop also held in April 18-19 2019. For more information please visit: 

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    Written on Sunday, 03 March 2019 21:03 in SDAT News Read 3449 times
  • Data Science Symposium
    Data Science Symposium

    Symposium of Data Science Developement and its job opportunities hold at the Faculty of Science, Shiraz University in Feb 20 2019. For more information please visit: 

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About Us

SDAT is an abbreviation for Scientific Data Analysis Team. It consists of groups who are specialists in various fields of data sciences including Statistical Analytics, Business Analytics, Big Data Analytics and Health Analytics. 

Get In Touch

Address:  No.15 13th West Street, North Sarrafan, Apt. No. 1 Saadat Abad- Tehran

 Phone: +98-910-199-2800


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