Meeting Highlights
The Conference on Modern Methods in Insurance Pricing and Industrial Statistics (MIPIS 2017) was held at the Bu-Ali Sina University in Hamedan, Iran, from September 3rd to September 5th, 2017.
This conference has been jointly organized by a team from Bu Ali Sina University, by Kristina Lurz, the former chair of y-BIS, the society of Young Business and Industrial Statisticians under ISBIS, and Professor Søren Asmussen from Aarhus University in Denmark.
Submission process
We received 128 submissions in total. After reviewing them, 117 papers were accepted which were organized in three parallel sessions with 84 talks and 33 poster presentations. Details on the geographical distribution of submissions as well as the statistics on the authors of the accepted submissions can be taken from the graphics below.
Geographical distribution of authors in the world

Geographical distribution of authors in Iran

Date of Submissions to MIPIS96

Distribution of co-authors

Opening ceremony
The program was started by reading the Quran and broadcasting the National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Sunday morning, September 3rd. Then, it was followed by a movie about Bu-Ali Sina University. We had three welcome speeches by Prof. Mansour Gholami, chancellor of the Bu-Ali Sina University; Dr. Ebrahim Nasiroleslami, General chair of the conference, and Dr. Rahim Mahmoudvand, scientific chair of the conference. We also performed two short memorial events in memory of late Prof. Naserreza Arghami (passed away at the age of 68 on 26th July 2017) and late Prof. Ali Amidi (passed away at the age of 84 on 23rd Aug 2017) who both were distinguished Iranian statisticians.
Plenary talks
We had eight plenary talks in total. Each conference day was opened by two or three of them.
Hansjörg Albrecher, University of Lausanne, Switzerland Title: On the Optimality of Reinsurance Forms |
Alireza Edalati, Actuary at VHV Insurance AG, Germany Title: The German Insurance Industry – Review and Perspectives |
Søren Asmussen, Aarhus University, Denmark Title: Bayesian Ideas for Premium Strategies |
Amin Hassanzadeh, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran Title: Modeling Joint Lifetimes of Couples by Using Bivariate Phase-type Distribution |
Jens Perch Nielsen, CASS Business School, United Kingdom Title: Improved customer in on-line customer communication and its statistical implications |
Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Title: From Statistics to Machine Learning and Big Data Mining Application Cases from Automotive Industry |
Ali Shojaie, University of Washington, USA Title: Inference in High Dimensions with the LASSO |
Amir Safari, Insurance Research Center, Iran Title: Cat Risks and Insurance in Iran |
On Saturday, one day before the official start of the conference, two short courses were held: The one on “Machine Learning with Industrial Applications” was given by Dr. Ali Shojaie and another one on “Insurance Ratemarking with GLM using SAS” was given by Alireza Edalati. On Monday, Dr. David Rios Insua gave a short course on “Risk Management with Big Data and Applications in Industry”. The workshops were a great success with more than 70 participants.
Special publications
Based on the topics presented at this conference, two special issues will be published: The first one is a special issue of the Journal of The Iranian Statistical Society (JIRSS) on “Modern Methods in Insurance Pricing and Industrial Statistics”, edited by Teresa Paula Costa Azinheira Oliveira and Kristina Lurz. The second one is a special issue of the International Journal of Energy and Statistics on “Recent Advances of Energy Impact in Business and Industrial Statistics”, edited by Paulo Canas Rodrigues and Rahim Mahmoudvand.
The submission deadlines for both special issues is October, 15th, 2017. All papers will be fully-refereed and the journals’ high standards will be strictly enforced. We would like to invite all of you to submit your interesting high quality papers. You can find instructions on how to submit your paper on the website of this conference.
The conference also helped to support collaboration within and between insurance companies as well as encourage multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral linkages. This was achieved not only through conference proceedings, but also through good attendance at social events including a Welcome Reception, Cultural Activity and the excursion. During the conference, we interviewed eight participants for this purpose. You can see these movies and some other videos buring the conference by clicking on the following link:
Appreciation and gratitude
We would like to express our deep gratitude for those who contributed to this conference:our plenary speakers and workshop leaders, the programme committee as well as all the local organiziers . We are also grateful to all our sponsors. Last but not least, , thank you all the paper and poster presenters and everybody who participated in the conference!
All in all, the conference went very smoothly and we have received several encouragements to organize a similar conference in the future.
MIPIS Sponsors