First Event on Play with Real Data
Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
31 December 2020 - 31 January 2021
The scientific committee announced the final decision on the winners of the competition: more info here.
The world contains a large amount of data from various sources, including commercial transactions, social media, censuses, search engines, the internet, and more. Such data can help us to create a better world. Organizations and companies hire statisticians and data scientists to analyze their data and improve their businesses.
AGNA, along with Bu-Ali Sina University, and jointly with y-BIS under ISI and SDAT intend to organize the first event on the value of data to provide data holders and data analyzers with an opportunity to extract maximum value from their data. There is financial support made available by SDAT, International Statistical Institute (ISI) (which receives funding from The World Bank Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building), and ISBIS.
Organizers and the data providers provided more information about the team arrangement, competition processes, and the benefits of attending this event on a webinar on 31 December 2020.
The webinar is recorded, and recorded videos are available through the following links

Aims and outputs
Playing with real data by explorative and predictive data analysis techniques
A platform between a limited number of data providers and hundreds to thousands of data scientist Teams
Improving creativity and scientific reasoning of data scientist and statisticians
Finding the possible “bugs” with the current data analysis methods and new developments
Learn different views about a dataset.

Event Timeline
01 Dec. 2020 - 31 Dec. 2020
Data Provider Event Sponsorship
The organizations or companies register as the sponsors of the event and data holders.
01 Dec. 2020 - 31 Dec. 2020
Thur. 31 December 2020
Event Webinar and QA
The event organizers declare the event's purposes and processes along with a QA session.
01 Jan. 2021 - 07 Jan. 2021
Participant Registration
Team Members Registration and Subject Selection
01 Jan. 2021 - 07 Jan. 2021
10 Jan. 2021 - 15 Jan. 2021
The Competition
Each team receives the dataset for the selected subject and should prepare their posters.
Deadline: Saturday 16-17 Jan. 2021
The Report Sumbmision
Each team must submit the report
Deadline: Saturday 16-17 Jan. 2021
18 Jan. 2021 - 24 Jan. 2021
Review Process
The submissions will be evaluated by help of the scientific committee and the data providers.
25 Jan. 2021 - 29 Jan. 2021
Announce Selected Teams
The top 10 teams will be selected based on their ranks and must prepare a video to present their report in 20 minutes.
25 Jan. 2021 - 29 Jan. 2021
Sat. 30 Jan. 2021
Selected Teams Webinar
All participants and the scientific committee attend a webinar to watch top 10 selected team presentations.
Sun. 31 Jan. 2021
Award Ceremony Webinar
The top 3 teams out of 10 presented reports will be selected for the awards and be awarded in a webinar.
Sun. 31 Jan. 2021
More Information
- All the event participants can attend the event meeting (31 December) to learn more about the data and the processess of competition.
- There are different subjects that every team is allowed to attend one of them.
- There is not a specific task in each dataset. The player will decide what their problems and how much they are valuable.
- The event participant's scores and comments will be considered as part of the evaluation process to find the top teams.
- The participants can see the best experiences of reporting on the same datasets that they were struggling with during the competition.
- Online SDAT Certificate will be awarded to all Event Participants

The best-report awards consist of a cash prize:
$400 for first place,
$200 for second place, and
$100 for third place.
Review Process
Problem Definition and Clarification
Software Application
Data description
Quality of report and Interpretation
Scientific Committee
Rosa Aghdam, Institute for Physics and Mathematics (IPM), Iran
Olawale Awe, Anchor University, Lagos, Nigeria
David L. Banks, Duke University, USA
Azam Dehghani, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
Luca Frigua, University of Cagliari, Italy
Rahim Mahmoudvand, Bu-Ali Sina University, Iran (contact person:
Sayed Jamal Mirkamali, Arak University, Iran
Seyed Morteza Najibi, Lund University, Sweden
Paulo Canas Rodrigues, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
Who Make this Event Happen
This Event is made available by SDAT, ISI (which receives funding from The World Bank Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building), ISBIS, and our great data sponsorships supports. We are grateful for their support of the event.
Call for Sponsorship

Data Holders, Organizations or Companies:
This is a unique opportunity to address and connect with different data scientist team. In this event, you will have many opportunities to meet representatives and experts of the field with a different background, understand different solutions for your challenges in data representation, infographics, and exploration as well as your future prediction questions.
If you are interested to be the sponsor of the event, please contact us through the following form for more details. We will reach you soon.
What is SDAT Online Certificate?

The SDAT online certificate will be awarded from the event organizers, SDAT, ISBIS, ISI, and AGNA through our automatic electronic license system. Everyone can track it from For example the abve certificate is trackable via 161ESI certificate identification through this link: to find out more information about the event.